Thursday, September 13, 2012


We walk here by faith, not by sight. You believe in God, but you have not beheld his glory as the blessed dead have done. You believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, but it is in one "whom have not seen you love." You believe in the Holy Spirit, and you have been conscious of his presence by faith, but there is something better yet; a clearer sight is yet to be hand, which we cannot enjoy while we tarry here. At present we take everything on the testimony of God's word and the witness of hos spirit: but we have not yet seen the celestial city, nor heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps, nor eaten at the banquets of the glorified. We enjoy a foretaste of all these, and anticipate them by faith, but actual enjoyments are not of this world. What a man seeth why doth he hope for? As this is the realm of hope we cannot expect to see, but we are going to the place where we shall not so much believe as behold, where we shall not so much credit as enjoy. We are nearing the country where we shall 

"See and hear and know,

All we desired or wished below."

And faith shall be exchanged for the clearest sight.

Enjoy your new and beutiful home. Rest in peace my dear friend Oklobia, until we meet to path no more.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Matthew 6:33
Beloved Brethren, it's a privilege to share with you again but it's quite unfortunate that we 've left certain issues that are critical unattended to.
It's important to recognize the things that are important in our lives. And I'll like to begin by asking you; WHAT IS MORE (MOST) IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE? It saddens my heart as well as our maker because He has provided all that we need in life's journey but we are carried away with secondary things.
Our Master and saviour Jesus Christ has laid down the kingdom principle to abounding living:....."But seek ye first"..... What are the things you and I seek first? It's important to know, that the principle of the Kingdom as stated in Matthew 6:33 is the secret to success in life and even life to come. It's indeed through that they who know their God shall be strong and do exploit, irrespective of location, space,situation, the true son's of God 'll always manifest because they have done the first thing first.
The Master indeed command us to seek His kingdom first and it righteousness but reverse is the case in our society today. We tend to seek the kingdom of this world first. Is not funny? that haven seek the kingdom of this world, we begin to call God to conform to our will. The Kingdom of God is not the visible or material things we see around us, the kingdom of God is not the buildings (Church) you see today but His Kingdom is established in the heart of His children and this is seen in our individual lives through our daily pursuit in searching the word of truth, seeking His face in prayers and as well as helping the body of Christ (Establishing the Kingdom of Christ in the life of others by sharing the word with them and living exemplary life)
To seek him first and His righteousness means to turn to Him completely for help, to fill our thought with his desires, to take His character for our pattern (way of life), to stand right with him without a sense of guilt and to serve and obey him in everything. This is what he requires of us. We must allow him to take the center stage in our lives as we emulate and allow his attribute and character to become part of us.
I ask you again; What is really important to you, goals, object,people, riches? are this things competing with the places of God in your life? All this 'r not bad but they can quickly bump God out of His place in your life, when you don't actively give him first place in every area of your life.
If we seek him first, the old man (Flesh), habit that don't please him will eventually give way to the new man in Christ Jesus, and all of those things that we desire will be added to us.
Remain Blessed.
In His Vine yard
H.A Jaba (Pst)

Monday, October 3, 2011


The 12th and 13th of July was a day to remember for the rest of my life it was a dream come through for me, watching my beloved Arsenal play in front of me was a thing of Joy, that is not just it I desire that you read to the very end as i shear my thought with you.

You might not be a lover of football or Arsenal might not be your preferred team but the experience is worth it. The atmosphere was awesome, the reception was great as the players came to the pitch to greet their fans I was so excited to see promising young stars of Arsenal I made so many friends with many asking to take a shot with me.

The golden moment came when Arsene Wenger came to greet us I got a good caption of him, unknown to me the official photographer caught us on camera
I was so excited to see my self on Arsenal official website (
To be honest with you, seeing Arsene Wenger and my beloved Arsenal was a dream come true and the feeling is beyond explanation but it occur to me as if i've fulfilled my mandate on earth and the next thing was to make heaven.......I'm mad right? but that is the truth. It left me wondering if only we can passionately love our creator like some of us are attached to clubs, sorority, fraternities, I believe God 'll be glorify, remember that what ever you put ahead of God in your life is an idol, check your life, are you having secret idols? My friends it's time to return to the Lord and love him and him alone.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Just like yesterday, the year has turn round and I've June 10th to store in my brain as one of those fatal days I'll hardly forget. The sound and shock when straight into my brain, from that moment, I knew it was over for me. Luckily enough there was a car on the pitch. When i told my friends that my leg is broken they thought I was joking. I was slowly lowered into the car in pains with a broken bone that almost torn my flesh, straight to the emergency unit.

"Doctor, 'll I be able to play again"? I asked. To my relief He said yes. Out of curiosity I asked again how long will take, before i can kick a ball with tha
t same foot again? He replied,"six months"! For two months I was on crotches. I had no freedom of my own.
Suddenly Gen. 2:23 dawn on me "The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man." I entered into a deep thought knowing fully well that if your bone is broken, you can hardly stand, that's why we must trust God for our partners or else we can't stand because it's not the bone of our bones. I blessed God because he brought rapid healing upon my life & gave me an insight of walking with the right people in life, which could be friends, family and life partners.
I was once broken BUT I'M HEALED!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Making the best use of the Time......Eph. 5:16a (ESV)

Time is so precious. The character & career of a person depend on how He/She spend their time.Each moment is a gift from God that deserves resourceful use of it.Because our time is short & the work is great.(Ps 90:12)
so therefore, we must use our time effectively.Many at times, times we 'r carried away by too much activities,bearing in mind that Paul told us in Vs15 that we must work circumspectly not as fools but as wise,meaning that activity is not necessarily accomplishment.Paul advice us to analyze our lifestyles & utilize the present Vs16 and priorities what is important.

We must plan & arrange our activities in other of importance and we must ensure that we make good use of this time.Our problem is not too little time, but making better use of the time we have.Everyone is given the same time as you & I. Great people who 'r accomplished today 've the same 24hrs as our selves.

Referring to the Bible,a clear example is the parable of the pound (Luke 19:12-27) they where given the same amount of money. so also 'r we given the same amount of time.But only few of us use it so wisely as to produce a tenfold return.The parable recognized different abilities ,but the servant with less capacity but equal faithfulness received the same reward.We may not be responsible for our natural endowment or abilities, but we 'r responsible for the strategic use of our time.

NIV referred to TIME to "OPPORTUNITY" time is indeed an asset which means great opportunity,privilege.Therefor it's important for us to carefully plan our lives.If we progress, we 'r learning to live but if we fail,we fail every where.Remember He that fail to plan,plans to fail,because Time (opportunity) lost can't be regained.

In conclusion,we must plan our lives well & ask God to direct our path (Prov.3:6),Set priorities (goals) as well as date -line for our selves, because the moment you say later or I can't, you 've failed already so let's be determined we 'll indeed get there.

Lets spend & direct our day purposefully & productively.It's not how long we live but how well.Jesus accomplished His ministry by saying "I've brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.(Jhn. 17:4)

I pray that from now hence forth we 'll accomplish the task assign to us,because time is ruining out & the days 'r evil in Jesus name.

In His vine-yard